Simple Barefoot Sandals

Simple Barefoot Sandals
Used in example Aunt Lydia's #10 bedspread weight cotton and
#6 Boyles hook
Small amount of Main Color and Coordinating Color (Make two for a pair)
Round One~
Chain 5 slip stitch to first chain to form ring, Chain 3 ,2 dc in ring, chain 2, (3 dc, chain 2, in ring )three times, slip stitch to top chain of chain 3
(you should have 12 dc and 4 chain 2 spaces)
Round Two~
Slip stitch in next 2 dc and in chain 2 space, chain 3 ,2 dc, chain 2, 3 dc chain 2 (3 dc, chain 2, 3 dc in space,chain 2) X3, slip stitch in top chain of chain 3. Finish off.
Chain 100, attach with sc in one of the corner chain 2 spaces, sc in next 3 dc, sc in chain space, sc in next 3 dc, 2 sc in corner chain space, dc in next 3 dc,sc in chain space, sc in next 3 dc, sc in space, chain 40, sc in same chain space, sc in next 3 dc,sc in chain space, sc in next 3 dc,2 sc in next corner chain space,sc in next 3 dc, sc in space,sc in next 3 dc, sc in corner chain space, chain 5, counting on firs chain of 100 from attaching point count five, dc in bottom chain, chain one, skip one chain on bottom chain, dc in next chain, chain 93, finish off.
Note:Knotting ends after finishing off may help ties from unraveling.
Please e-mail if you find errors! Edited with a few corrections!
Thank you, thank you. I have wanted a pair of these. Of course, I have some crochet thread, but never really have done any thread crochet, so we shall see.
Very pretty foot! Oh, and the slippers are nice too!
I love these, I think I'm going to try making a pair of these.
this is awesome! thanks taking the time to write and share the pattern with us! =D
I'm going to try a pair of these this weekend! thanks for sharing the pattern!!
I'd never even heard of something like this. Interesting. I think my girls would like them!
I made a pair & they're SO cute! Thanks for posting the pattern. I do have one tiny correction or maybe it's just my misunderstanding?
When I did the 3 dc, they seemed to end up in the 2nd corner from the wrap chain? I moved them down one corner & instead of doing 3dc, I did 2, at which point I counted off 30 stitches (my dil has a smallish foot) then, at the base of the toe chain, where I began chaining, I did a ss (slip stitch) & then 2 more dc. I then followed the rest of your pattern. I did this after I took a careful look at the ones pictured but I cld be reading your pattern wrong.
Also, just for clarity if someone is fairly new, like me, to crocheting & reading patterns?: Where you mention we are to count 5 ch from the joining of the wrap chain, maybe if you stated that you make the dc w/ the working end on your hook on THAT 5th chain, then ch1 AND skip one chain on the wrap chain & dc again, after which you continue to create that wrap chain by chaining 95 (it's how it worked out for me ..).
If I'm wrong I apologize, just wanted to help if anyone had any trouble, like I did, & they're new to the fun of crocheting.
Again, thanks for the pretty little pretties!
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